Newave - Wordpress Responsive One Page Parallax
Hi,I like to have two team_carousels on my site. The slide function doesn´t work. thank you. The reason you cannot add two team carousels it's because they will have the same ids (.our-team-new) causing a conflict in the page.To enable multiple team carousels, you must use html code inseatd of shorcodes and use diffe ...
The full screen slider on portfolio items is not working? Make sure you refreshed the permalinks after changing the portfolio slug in theme options. And the .htaccess file is writable, which allows Wordpress to update the permalinks structure.
I see the new update with the WPML Certificated.But the language selector that i had in the menu has disappeared, although it is enable. Do you know anything about this? Yes we disabled the language selector in the header menu due to responsive issues. We let our users to customize it and styling it as they see fit. To re-enable it you just need to add .menu-item-language { display: ...
How do I upgrade the theme? Will I lose all my changes? To upgrade the theme: Download the latest version from envato (installable Wordpress file) In admin dashboard: remove the old theme and install the new version using FTP remove the theme folder from /wp-content/themes/ ...
Does anyone know how to get the home page to work. All I see is a flat screen with the nav items.. I can't get the intro page to set up.. You need to make sure that you have setup the following:1. a main page in 'One Page' template2. the main page is set as front page in Settings -> Reading3. a Home page with the 'Default' template assigned as 'Home' section4. ...
Hi,When a main menu item has sublevels, as it is in the theme, submenu is toggled by clicking on the parent item, which then becomes a dead link.Is it possible to change this behavior so that 1) the parent item links stays as is, and 2) the submenu appears on hover? We have built the menu on bootstrap which comes with this behavior.Here is a link on how to make it work the way you wishbootstrap-menu-dropdown-on-hover-rather-than-click">http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8878033/how-to-.. ...
When you click on one of my portfolio items, it drops down to a slider, I want the images to be center. How can I do that? I made the slider with a shortcode portfolio slider. Add this to your theme options Styling Options -> Custom CSS:.bx-wrapper img { margin: 0 auto; }
I would like to reproduce the map just like the sample where the contact information covers that map and when you press on the "X", it reveals it. When you select your Contact Section (add / edit page -> Assign Current Page As) you will see an option underneath Map Overly (yes/no).Select 'yes' and the content of the page will be overlaid on top of the map.
Hi, my shortcode icon missing from my editing pages. Any help pls? If you are running wordpress 3.9+ you need to install/upgrade the latest theme version (1.3)Make sure you are refreshing Add/Edit page (Ctrl+F5) to avoid previewing cached content.
How can I add my own custom icons/fonts to the theme? Try uploading the files somewhere as a subfolder of the theme and then use @font-face to create a font family. And then simply add the font-family style for each element you want to have that font. See here for a descriptio ...
I just bought your awesome Newave theme. What are the steps I need to take to lay out a one page portfolio? After you download the main archive and install the theme, the first step is to import demo data. In the main archive you will find a directory named 'demos' containing subfolders for each the demo you can preview in our l ...
My fullscreen parallax image is not responsive and does not scale well When the browser displays a fullscreen image will do so taking three factors in account: - display resolution (width and height) - display mode (portrait or landscape) - image aspect ratio (width vs height) So to displ ...
My menu items are overlap the logo image. Why this is happening? thanks It is probably because you have not set the right margins for menu items.If you are using the first version of the header (the logo centered) you need to set the margins for each page included in the menu.You can do this in p ...
How do I upload the demos on the site? Assuming you have downloaded the main archive , you will find inside the zip file a folder named 'demos'In it, there are several subfolders corresponding to each demo available on our live preview site.Each of these subfolder ...
Carousel Testimonials run into each other The problem is that sometimes the testimonials run into each other until you resize the screen. Solution: Add this in Theme Options > Custom CSS:.slides li {-webkit-transition: all 0s ease-in-out 0s!important;-moz-tran ...
Hello, I\'m trying to set up the permalink structure so that it reads http://www.websitename.com/page-name/. I change the settings in Wordpress to \'Custom Structure\' and use /%category%/%postname%/ - When I navigate to the pages now I receive a 404 error. Any advice in resolving the matter would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. In the Settings -> Permalinks make sure you don't get an error message.If Wordpress reports that the .htaccess file is not writable, the webserver will use the old links structure and not the one you've changed in Permalinks. ...
What should be the 'standard size' for images? The standard we use is to have 1600px width for full-width images and 800px width for thumbnails If you are using Adobe Photoshop, save images with 60% quality.
When I try to install the theme I get the following error"Installing Theme from uploaded file: themeforest-6808797-newave-wordpress-responsive-one-page-parallax.zipUnpacking the package�Installing the theme�The package could not be installed. The theme is missing the style.css stylesheet.Theme install failed."I tried to install it twice. I Downloaded the .zip again from themeforest and tried again. This is on WordPress 4.0.1 Thanks There are two files you can download from envato: main archive and the installable wordpress file.The main archive contains the theme folder but also demo data and documentation. That file cannot be installed.the file that sh ...
when I go back with the browser back button(Safari/Firefox) from my blog page or other url, i'm stuck with the preloader Hi there, it’s most likely because back button does not trigger window.unload event in Firefox and Safari which is used to hide the preloader.More info here: http://bugs.jquery.com/ticket/8684If you wish a page reload just ...
How do I create a Full width background image without parallax effect Here are the steps to build a full width page-section without parallax effect - create the page-section and get the section id. The section is is usually the last part of the page permalink as showed in theme options. You ca ...
Hello,I use your wordpress theme but I would like to upgrade to its latest version. The latest version is available for download from envato.You can remove the theme in the WP dashboard and install the new version.Backup your theme options before to be on the safe side.Alternatively, You backup the old theme ...
Map is not displayed properly if there is an error in browser's console stating: Google Maps API error: MissingKeyMapError you need to create a google maps api key as described in this article: https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascrip ...
Hi,I\'ve followed the steps specified in the documentation for changing "newave_portfolio" to a custom slug, but it won\'t change. Make sure you refresh the permalinks by pressing 'Save' in Settings -> PermalinksCheck to see if the .htaccess file is writable in Settings -> Permalinks (usually you get an error message if it isn't)If the .htaccess is not w ...
How to optimise the speed of my website? One of the main reasons the site is slow is that you may have lots of images which are not optimised for web. https://developers.google.com/web/fundamentals/performance/optimizing-content-efficiency/image-optimization?hl=e ...
How to change the color of a Contact Form 7 placeholder text Add this CSS code to theme options -> styling options -> custom css: ::-webkit-input-placeholder { /* WebKit browsers */ color: #000 !important; opacity: 1; } :-moz-placeholder { /* Mozilla Firefox 4 to 18 */ color: #00 ...
Hello, How can I set up the responsiveness of my home page. I don\'t understand this part: "Page menu item margin right - responsive threshold (in pixels)"What do I enter there?Thank you! There are two set of values for menu items margins (first version of the header):- normal/desktop views - responsive (resolutions less than 1024 pixels)These values can be set in page options for each page included in the men ...