  Public Ticket #964404
Commenting & Visual Composer


  • Jeff started the conversation

    Is commenting included in the Berger theme? I have the option ticked on, but nothing shows.

    Visual Composer was included in my purchase, but am I required to purchase a license? VC isn't working ...

  •  1,810
    Support replied

    Regarding Visual Composer:

    You are not required to purchase a license - the license you have is an extended. That means you can use it but you don't have access to automatic updates.

    We release regular updates with the latest version of Visual Composer or we can update it if you provide wp admin username and password.

    The commenting in blog posts is enabled.

    Thank you.

    Clapat Support


    Review Envato Item Support Policy

  •   Jeff replied privately
  •  1,810
    Support replied

    You had an old version of VC running, not compatible with the version of Wordpress installed.

    Installed the latest


    Thank you.

    Clapat Support


    Review Envato Item Support Policy

  • Jeff replied

    Fist bump.