Is it possible to reduce the number of portfolio items that are shown on the home page? So let's say I have 200 items divided over the categories but I just want to show 10 on the home page.
yes you can but will display only the first n items, not a certain number for items from a specific category. Simply use Portfolio Mixed template for the home page and in page options specify Portfolio Templates -> Maximum Number Of Items In Portfolio Mixed
A question: is it possible to give the portfolio items a hide/show function for the different pages?
Example: here( I have the portfolio divided in categories. But, on the home page( under the hero image, the whole portfolio with all the items shows up.
Is it possible to reduce the number of portfolio items that are shown on the home page? So let's say I have 200 items divided over the categories but I just want to show 10 on the home page.
Thanks, I look forward to your response!
Hi there,
yes you can but will display only the first n items, not a certain number for items from a specific category. Simply use Portfolio Mixed template for the home page and in page options specify Portfolio Templates -> Maximum Number Of Items In Portfolio Mixed
Thank you.
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