  Public Ticket #653159
Make blog images display at 850px wide


  • Chris started the conversation

    1. I want to have blog images display at a width of 850px but cannot seem to find where I need to make an adjustment for that to happen.

    2. I would like to add text next to the arrow for the next page of blog post. Something like "next 6 post". Is there a way to do that?

    On a side not why are the tickets defaulted to private? Surely it would save you guys a ton of time if you do not have to answer the same questions multiple times which you would if questions and answers cannot be read?

  •  1,801
    Support replied

    The blog post content has a 720px width.Changing the container width it\'s custom work and would imply multiple css changes.

    The text in blog navigation can be changed in functions.php file, newave_pagination() function lines 692 and 698


    Thank you.

    Clapat Support


    Review Envato Item Support Policy

  • Chris replied

    I ended up changing the width to 850px in custom css.

    I want to add the text \"See more here\" beside the next arrow so specifically what will I change newave_pagination() function to in order to get that.

    Thank you.

  •  1,801
    Support replied


    for next posts you would have to change this

    next_posts_link( \'<span><img src=\"\'.get_template_directory_uri().\'/images/next_article.png\" alt=\"\' . __(\"Previous\", \'newave_theme\') . \'\"></span>\', $current_query->max_num_pages );


    next_posts_link( \'<span><img src=\"\'.get_template_directory_uri().\'/images/next_article.png\" alt=\"\' . __(\"Previous\", \'newave_theme\') . \'\">See more here</span>\', $current_query->max_num_pages );


    Thank you.

    Clapat Support


    Review Envato Item Support Policy