Hi, the portfolio is scrolling to the next project automatically as a loop that you cannot get out of. Is there a way to get to another page when you reach the last project? or when you have seen all projects?
Also for the portfolio showcase grid, I turned off "Enable flip effect on hero caption" but it does not change anything and the caption with the text below it goes to the right side while scrolling.
Hi, the default implementation is infinite loop through all portfolio items and I cannot actually change that (it's beyond my support abilities) but I can help you hide it.
Hi, the portfolio is scrolling to the next project automatically as a loop that you cannot get out of. Is there a way to get to another page when you reach the last project? or when you have seen all projects?
Also for the portfolio showcase grid, I turned off "Enable flip effect on hero caption" but it does not change anything and the caption with the text below it goes to the right side while scrolling.
Hi, the default implementation is infinite loop through all portfolio items and I cannot actually change that (it's beyond my support abilities) but I can help you hide it.
Thank you.
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