1. if you are using woocommerce, to permanently the display the cart icon plz open /sections/header_section.php file (path relative to root theme folder) and remove lines 29-31 and 39-41
to add any other extra element to the header you can do it in this file
2. A solution I would propose is to use Elementor Pro theme builder to build a footer. It will be displayed above the original theme's footer (which is required for the theme to run properly)
I would like to change the navigation bar and footer, but I don't know how this is possible.
I would like to add the login icon and the cart icon always visible on every page of the site,
furthermore I would like to know if it is possible to modify the footer such as obtaining something like this.
Thank you
Hello Joel,
1. if you are using woocommerce, to permanently the display the cart icon plz open /sections/header_section.php file (path relative to root theme folder) and remove lines 29-31 and 39-41
to add any other extra element to the header you can do it in this file
2. A solution I would propose is to use Elementor Pro theme builder to build a footer. It will be displayed above the original theme's footer (which is required for the theme to run properly)
Thank you.
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