I go a minor issue that sometimes the first click on a portfolio item seems to fail but the cursor still has changed to a smaller and greyish state in those cases. Clicking again then works as expected.
I know it might not be easily replicable but maybe this issue appeared to someone else before and I didn't find it with the forum search.
So if you have any idea, I'd be grateful.
And by the way sorry for opening the third ticket in a row. Just thought it makes more sense to seperate them clearly.
The mouse cursor has two events on each slide: drag and click. It looks like you performed a small drag event followed by a click event, which triggered the link.
Try to do this:
in common.js remove these lines:
var $body = $('body');
$body.on('mousedown', function (evt) {
$body.on('mouseup mousemove', function handler(evt) {
if (evt.type === 'mouseup') {
... function remain
} else {
// drag
$body.off('mouseup mousemove', handler);
Hey there,
I go a minor issue that sometimes the first click on a portfolio item seems to fail but the cursor still has changed to a smaller and greyish state in those cases. Clicking again then works as expected.
I know it might not be easily replicable but maybe this issue appeared to someone else before and I didn't find it with the forum search.
So if you have any idea, I'd be grateful.
And by the way sorry for opening the third ticket in a row. Just thought it makes more sense to seperate them clearly.
Edit: In this ticket I postet (third post) an attached screen capture, where this behaviour is recorded: https://clapat.ticksy.com/ticket/3683021/
The mouse cursor has two events on each slide: drag and click. It looks like you performed a small drag event followed by a click event, which triggered the link.
Try to do this:
in common.js remove these lines:
Thank you.
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