  Public Ticket #3667309
Elementor Custom Header not Working


  • Lovepreet started the conversation

    I'm using Elementor on my website and currently I'm having FULL WIDTH TEMPLATE of Elementor page, but When I make any section sticky It doesn't works at all and breaks that sticky column.

    How can i fix the sticky header bug and also how can i replace the default header with Elementor header template. 

    Please help me to fix this issue!

  •  2,024
    Support replied

    Hi there, if you can send us wp admin access so we can have a look? and give us the page URL?

    Two things:

    in ajax mode of operating we cannot guarantee all third party elements / plugins will work. 

    CSS styles are usually loaded in the header of the page, dynamic js effects in the footer.

    When a page is loaded with ajax header and footer stay the same (the original starting page), the content is loaded in an inner container.

    That's why we recommend using our shortcodes/Gutenberg blocks/Elementor widgets that are guaranteed to work with ajax. Or disable ajax in customizer -> general settings. You can also keep the ajax on and add the page containing the elements as custom menu link therefore bypassing ajax.

    Second try disabling smooth scrolling in customizer -> general settings. The smooth scroll library hijacks the scroll events therefore it may interfere with stickiness effect.

    Needless to say, if you must ask for a refund request you can do it here:
