I would like to know how can I, in the clapat_collage_image block (Manifesto Collage), add a link to another page of my website by clicking on a image of this Collage, instead of opening the thumbnail in full image ?
Is there a section to modify the Shortcode, without editing it directly in html?
- you need to open the following file in /wp-content/plugins/manifesto-gutenberg-blocks/blocks/blocks.js (path relative to the toot WordPress installation folder)
- then you need to modify the actual shortcode. for that, you need to open the following file /wp-content/plugins/manifesto-core-plugin/include/shortcodes.php
- look for 'collage_image'
- then add the new parameter and modify the implementation of clapat_collage_image function
Hello Clapat Team,
I would like to know how can I, in the clapat_collage_image block (Manifesto Collage), add a link to another page of my website by clicking on a image of this Collage, instead of opening the thumbnail in full image ?
Is there a section to modify the Shortcode, without editing it directly in html?
Thank you !
Hello Adrian, are you using Gutenberg or Elementor as your editor?
Thank you.
Clapat Support
Review Envato Item Support Policy
I use Gutenberg !
Hello Adrian,
- you need to open the following file in /wp-content/plugins/manifesto-gutenberg-blocks/blocks/blocks.js (path relative to the toot WordPress installation folder)
- in it, look for Image Collage
- you will find the Image Collage block
- in each collage image sub-block you can add a new parameter that will be the image URL
- pass the new parameter to the shortcode:
- then you need to modify the actual shortcode. for that, you need to open the following file /wp-content/plugins/manifesto-core-plugin/include/shortcodes.php
- look for 'collage_image'
- then add the new parameter and modify the implementation of clapat_collage_image function
Thank you.
Clapat Support
Review Envato Item Support Policy
Thank you a lot !
And last question, I don't find the parameter who allows to copy/past the content shown on the website.
How can I do ? :)
Thank you !
Hello Adrian,
Try adding in customizer -> additional CSS
html, body, #main{
user-select: auto !important; /* supported by Chrome and Opera */
-webkit-user-select: auto !important; /* Safari */
-khtml-user-select: auto !important; /* Konqueror HTML */
-moz-user-select: auto !important; /* Firefox */
-ms-user-select: auto !important; /* Internet Explorer/Edge */
Thank you.
Clapat Support
Review Envato Item Support Policy
thank you !