  Public Ticket #3595538
Columns tend to re-arrange themselves


  •  4
    My-Linh started the conversation

    Whenever I have a block with two columns or more, the layout never stays the same even if I open it in the same window, same desktop, but just maybe an hour later. Sometimes the columns blend together and create a mess instead of a neat grid, sometimes they stay neatly the way I want them to. How can I make it consistently look like screenshot 1? Every now and then it re-arranges itself and looks like screenshot 2.

    Attached files:  Screenshot 1.png
      Screenshot 2.png

  •  1,809
    Support replied

    Hi there,

    thanks for the login info. This ticket is actually related with


    the blocks in question come from the Bluehost plugin. Nothing wrong with that, except is not entirely compatible with theme's AJAX page transitions therefore we suggest to turn ajax off in customizer -> general settings in this way the pages will load normally.

    Thank you.

    Clapat Support


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