  Public Ticket #3568095
Sticky Button Right (changing color and size)


  •  10
    Matteo started the conversation

    Hi there,

    i tried to change the size of the button and it worked but I'm not sure it's the right way (see two attachment).

    I also tried to change the color of the black dots (browser inspector, trying to find the right class and played with all CSS color options) - I dind't find it, do you maybe have the direct CSS code to override?

    Thank you in advance

    Attached files:  HTML_StickyButton.png

  •  1,931
    Support replied

    Hello Matteo,

    Ok, so assuming this is about Sticky Button:


    you can change the colors with 

    .button-link:hover .button-icon i {
         border:1px solid rgba(0,0,0,1);

    and if you added a CSS class (ex2) you can prefix the css code with it to apply only to that specific button

    .ex2 .button-link:hover .button-icon i {      



          border:1px solid rgba(0,0,0,1); 


    Same with font sizes for large buttons

    #main .ex2 .large-btn .button-text {
        font-size: 18px!important;
        font-weight: 500;

    and for normal, smaller buttons

    #main .ex2 .button-text {
        font-size: 14px;
         font-weight: 400;


    Thank you.

    Clapat Support


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  •  10
    Matteo replied

    Hi there,

    thank you for your answer. I fixed the color perfectly, thank you.

    I just still have a problem to make the button "bigger".

    In attachment:

    - Button HTML with the new span class

    - CSS code with the properties

    The botton is still the same - original size, no bigger button.

    Thank you for any help, probably I'm doing something wrong.

    Attached files:  Class_Span.png

  •  1,931
    Support replied

    Hi Matteo,

    Where did you add that, can you send us the page URL (containing the button)?

    while at it, can you send us wp admin access as well (in a private comment)?

    Thank you.

    Clapat Support


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  •  10
    Matteo replied

    Hi there,
    I added some of them in the home, just to try different things.
    It's the sticky button called "Riserva ora". As you see looks a little bit too small compared to the other titles in the pages that are H1 or H2.

    I just want to make it bigger (the text and the circle).

    I can make the website visible for you for just 2h and I'm really sorry but my customer doesn't let me give the access (logins) to other people. I hope you understand.

    I will unlock the website right now and let it open for 2h ca.

    Link: www.m-space.ch

    Thank you in advance if you can check it.

  •  1,931
    Support replied

    Hello Matteo,

    Sorry for missing the 2 h time window, really busy here (as usualfrown.png)

    Regarding sticky button

    First you do have an option (small, large) for buttons

    you should select large, in the first place. Then you can customize that button only if you add a css class to it. for example my-button and then add the code to customizer -> additional CSS

    #main .my-button.large-btn .button-text span {
        font-size: 18px !important;

    and increase the font size value, to your needs

    Thank you.

    Clapat Support


    Review Envato Item Support Policy

  •  10
    Matteo replied

    Hello :) no worries! I can relate (: we always busy

    I opened the website for you now, for the next 2h: www.m-space.ch

    In the home on the left there is the button "Riserva Ora".

    I tried with a custom CSS class that is called "sticky-call-action-home" and I added a code like this:

    #main .sticky-call-action-home .large-btn .button-text span {
        font-size: 218px !important;

    But actually doensn't change; I do for sure something wrong - do you have any hints?

  •  1,931
    Support replied

    Hello Matteo, all good except I don't see the css class 'sticky-call-action-home' added to the button element


    Thank you.

    Clapat Support


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  •  10
    Matteo replied

    I think it is wrong where i put it (see attachment)

    Attached files:  CSS.png

  •  1,931
    Support replied

    Not necessarily. In this case you can specify in customizer -> additional CSS

    span.sticky-call-action-home {
        font-size: 18px !important;

    Thank you.

    Clapat Support


    Review Envato Item Support Policy

  •  10
    Matteo replied

    Yes! Perfect.

    You (and your team) honestly the best support every - never saw something like this. Keep going!

    Have a nice day.

  •  1,931
    Support replied

    Thank you Matteo. If you like our theme and our services in general it's great if you rate it - would be appreciated!


    Thank you.

    Clapat Support


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