  Public Ticket #3558567
Header - How to edit it?


  •  10
    Matteo started the conversation

    Hi there

    How can I edit the header and add for example a new button or a new text?

    I found in "Edit page" that we chan rename the already existing title, but what if want to add a button or an additional line of text? I saw a couple of cool buttons and text in your page "Typografy" and I would like to import them.

    Thank you in advance

    Attached files:  Harington_Header.png

  •  1,802
    Support replied

    Hi Matteo,

    From the screenshot I can see you are referring to the hero section not the actual header (containing the menu and the logo)

    so I would say that you should add html content to the hero title and/or subtitle have you tried that?

    Thank you.

    Clapat Support


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