  Public Ticket #3555557
Change color header menu works too much


  •  10
    Matteo started the conversation

    Hi there,

    I've searched the already opened tickets on "How to change the header color".

    I tryed with this code CSS:

    header {
        background-color: #eeeeee !important;
        opacity: 0.0;

    And it actually worked but too much. It covers all the menu, it's not just a solid background but It covers all the logo (on the left) and the burger menu (on the right). I also tryed to add a negative z-index:

    z-index: -1000;

    But still doesn't work :( and it also affect the fullscreen menu. I just want to put a background on the "sticky menu" that follows me on all the page).

    Thank you for any help :)

    Attached files:  Harington_Menu_HeaderProblem.png

  •  1,802
    Support replied


    try the following

    header {
        background-color: rgba(238,238,238,0.3);


    in customizer -> additional CSS. This ill give a slight background with 0.3 opacity

    Thank you.

    Clapat Support


    Review Envato Item Support Policy

  •  10
    Matteo replied

    Hi there,

    I copied and pasted but still nothing changed :( see attachment.

    I also tried to convert your rgba to hex (#eeeeee4d) but still doesnt work.

    I just want the opacity on the background color of the header, not of all the header (included logo an texts).

    Thank you for any help

    Attached files:  Harington_HeaderInvisible.png

  •  10
    Matteo replied

    I'm sorry - now it works!

    You can close this ticket. Thank you!