  Public Ticket #3530822
Scrolling on desktop (mouse and touchpad) overshoots


  •  1
    Teo Dumitru started the conversation


    While the theme is very well calibrated for mobile devices, the scroll on desktop (mouse scroll, and especially touchpad scroll) overshoots greatly, which means many sections are skipped. Any solution to this? I tried many JS snippets, but none worked.


    The first 3 scrolls are with the touchpad (and as you see, it's pretty bad). The following are with mouse - 1 section per scroll, which is fair enough, though users will certainly also overshoot.

  •  1
    Teo Dumitru replied

    For the beginning, even a script that disables scroll on desktop would be great.

  •  1,803
    Support replied

    Hello Teo,

    try disabling (at least temporarily) the smooth scrolling in customizer -> additional CSS

    and test again - see which works better.

    Keep in mind that with a small tweak we can disable smooth scrolling only on desktop (or only on mobile)

    Thank you.

    Clapat Support


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