  Public Ticket #3463482
Mettre une image hero dans le showcase slider


  • Belot started the conversation


    Comment faut-il faire pour mettre une image de couverture hero dans le showcase slider s'il vous plait ? Mon fond de page reste noir.

    Merci de votre aide



    Attached files:  Capture d’écran 2023-09-15 à 20.26.00.png

  •  1,823
    Support replied

    Hello Frédéric!

    If you import demo data, try replacing hero demo images for ALL portfolio items with images coming from your domain/media library, on some sites the webgl will complain about images coming from a different domain due to a enforced CORS policy.

    You can change the hero image in portfolio item options and you can find the original demo images there (imported)

    If you still have issues send us wp admin access in a private comment so we can verify.

    Thank you.

    Clapat Support


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