  Public Ticket #3442608
Portfolio Auto Navigate On End Scroll


  • Charles started the conversation

    Hi Guys, When using the Portfolio Auto Navigate On End Scroll.

    Is there a setting or custom code to reverse this feature? So if someone is scrolling through projects and wants to go back to the previous one, for example? 

    Or if I disable this feature is there a way to ad a "back to previous"?


  •  1,823
    Support replied

    Hi Charles,

    the 'going back to previous when done scrolling up' feature requires heavy coding to implement as it involves the hero section - quite different from next page nav section

    so here are the options:

    - disable this feature in customizer -> portfolio settings and/or

    - hide the next portfolio page section with CSS (we can send you the code) and/or

    - add a link 'Back to...' at the very end of the portfolio page content

    you can also change in customizer -> portfolio settings the direction of the navigation to the portfolio items (backward or forward in time)

    Thank you.

    Clapat Support


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