  Public Ticket #3438344
IOS/Safari Browser Loading Issue


  • Anand Kumar started the conversation

    Hi Dear Theme Creator,

    After customization and setup running on a Godaddy server,the theme seems to take a very prolonged loading time on IOS devices that use safari and chrome browser but loads up fast on other devices (android/windows)

    What could be the cause of this and what code can be added or removed/or plugins recommended to fix this issue?

    Have compressed images with bulk compressor. Was recommended to use Cloudflare CDN as well but as a dev i think its in the code itself



  •  1,823
    Support replied

    Hello, do you mean the home page or in general on your site?

    This is how the network tab (with elements loading time sorted in the descending order) looks like:


    I am wondering what could be the reason for longer loading times on Safari (I have not tested it yet on ios). We do have a script wait for images that waits for images to be loaded however the content is not that big



    Thank you.

    Clapat Support


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