  Public Ticket #3397179
Embed Video Element will block the scrolling event


  • Kame started the conversation

    I don't want the Harington pop up video block, since I simply want the video to be played on website without popping out, I have tried to use the wordpress default embed video block, or usnig custom html and type out iframe to embed a video. However, when the mouse pointer is on the video element, scrolling will not be applied on the whole webpage, I need to move the mouse to outside the video element in order to scroll properly, how can I make the embed element won't override the scrolling event? thank you

  •  1,823
    Support replied


    because the video is embedded in a different frame , the smooth scroll library is actually losing track the scroll events it relies on when the mouse is over the video/iframe.

    The solution is to disable smooth scroll library in customizer -> general settings.

    Thank you.

    Clapat Support


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