I would like to add a block colour behind the menu ribbon at the top of the page when you scroll over components, so you can still read the menu over different colours and images
in customizer -> additional CSS. you can specify an opacity value to make it more discrete
Also, you have the ability to invert colors of the logo and menu items when scrolling over a Gutenberg container / Elementor widget, it's a setting in one of their properties
I would like to add a block colour behind the menu ribbon at the top of the page when you scroll over components, so you can still read the menu over different colours and images
Attached files: Screenshot 2023-05-23 at 21.27.04.png
you can add a background color to the header
like for example
header {
background-color: #000 !important;
opacity: 0.5;
in customizer -> additional CSS. you can specify an opacity value to make it more discrete
Also, you have the ability to invert colors of the logo and menu items when scrolling over a Gutenberg container / Elementor widget, it's a setting in one of their properties
Thank you.
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