I recently purchased the Humpton template. I noticed a bug whilst implementing my content across to project04.html. When testing the page in the browser, upon scrolling all the way to the bottom, for some reason... all content for the next project disappears apart from the bg image ??As a result, its not possible to scroll back up... the page becomes stuck with no menu or anything clickable, only the the bg image is visible as displayed in the attached screenshot.
It would be much appreciated if you're able to resolve this bug.
This support forum is dedicated only to WordPress themes and we lack the expertise to help you with HTML templates. You may get a faster answer if you post your question to the template's comments dashboard.
I recently purchased the Humpton template. I noticed a bug whilst implementing my content across to project04.html. When testing the page in the browser, upon scrolling all the way to the bottom, for some reason... all content for the next project disappears apart from the bg image ??As a result, its not possible to scroll back up... the page becomes stuck with no menu or anything clickable, only the the bg image is visible as displayed in the attached screenshot.
It would be much appreciated if you're able to resolve this bug.
Many thanks
Attached files: Screenshot 2023-05-10 at 17.32.35.png
Dear Roy,
Plz contact the author directly regarding the HTML template you bought.
This support forum is dedicated only to WordPress themes and we lack the expertise to help you with HTML templates. You may get a faster answer if you post your question to the template's comments dashboard.
Thank you.
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