  Public Ticket #335469
Portfolio & Loading time issue


  • Manju started the conversation


    I am facing 2 major issues in this theme. Please help me to resolve it. I tried to contact you over envento portal they suggested that for these issues I need to raise a ticket with credentials.

    1. Loading speed - If I open the website then approx. 8-10 seconds it shows small loading black icon. Please can you help me to resolve this issue becuase user is not able to view the page till 10seconds which is too much.

    In portfolio section:

    1. If I click on any image then it should open in zoom version but its not working.
    2. If I click on portfolio image 1 and then slider will open and if I click on next or previous arrows then it should show me portfolio images which is coming thumbnails.

    I have put only 2 images right now for your reference.

    Here are the credentials:
    User: manjuwp
    Pass: Test1234

    Please help me to resolve the issues. Thank you in advance.

    Manju Bala

  •  2,033
    Support replied

    Hi there,

    to have a slider just set the portfolio layout type to 'Slider' or 'Fullscreen Slider' and assign featured images (right side) to include them in the slider.

    Regarding web speed you can optimize several images included in the main page, just go under Network in tab in chrome console and then check the time latency.
