  Public Ticket #3348837
Design and Edit


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    Louay started the conversation

    I added the link I am working on, but the old active website link is: www.publco.com

    Hi, Thanks a lot for this great theme. I'm still adding my content and found a few points that need your support

    1- Home Page: the main msg on top is too close to the logo, can we increase the spacing? 

    2-Home Page: the showcases hero images focus on the middle of each image, is it possible to edit the focus area?
    3- Home Page: from where can we change this default msg: (Awareded international digital studio)

    4- Showcase: What is the recommended hero image size? it's getting cropped. or can we change the cropping options?  
    5- About our studio page: the hero image is not showing and I can't find where to change it. + other content I can't find from where to edit/change

    Can you advise which page could be the best to work on as a services page? please check our current website: https://publco.com/services/ 

    Ideally, we need to have one main services page + page for each service

    in this message (We help businesses to innovate..) your template shows an image when hovering, how can I activate this and replace the image. 

    - Page about: Can we adjust the arrangement of the clients' logos? need to add more / less spacing / smaller whole space

    - Same page: Hero image is not showing unless I scroll down. 

    - Same page: can I edit the size of the team member photos? I replace the team photos with services icons

  •  2,024
    Support replied


    My answers inline, bolded:

    1- Home Page: the main msg on top is too close to the logo, can we increase the spacing? 

    in general, to bring down the title you can use

    #hero.has-image .hero-title-wrapper {
        margin-bottom: 100px;

    in customizer -> additional CSS. to bring it down more, decrease the value for margin bottom

    2-Home Page: the showcases hero images focus on the middle of each image, is it possible to edit the focus area?

    The style background cover applied to the image means that the image is centered in the current viewport

     Home Page: from where can we change this default msg: (Awareded international digital studio)

    That's the caption of the parallax image you can change it the block's settings (Gutenberg) or Elementor (widget)

    4- Showcase: What is the recommended hero image size? it's getting cropped. or can we change the cropping options?  

    the image is getting cropped according to this process


    so the original aspect ratio according to the current viewport size

    5- About our studio page: the hero image is not showing and I can't find where to change it. + other content I can't find from where to edit/change

    you should change it in hero options and if you still having problems send us wp admin access so we can verify


    Can you advise which page could be the best to work on as a services page?

    It's a combination of About and Contact demo pages. It can be done because contact form, map and contact icon boxes are actually blocks that you can move around

    Page about: Can we adjust the arrangement of the clients' logos? need to add more / less spacing / smaller whole space

    The size of the client logos is defined by this CSS:

    .clients-table li {
        display: block;
        float: left;
        width: 20%;
        min-height: 30px;
        border: 1px solid #ddd;
        box-sizing: border-box;
        text-align: center;
        margin: 0px;
        margin-left: 0px;
        margin-left: -1px;
        margin-top: -1px;
        padding: 15px;

    so as you can see the width is 1/5 of the space with a bit of padding (15px)

    you can modify the values as you wish and then ass the code to customizer -> additional CSS

    - Same page: Hero image is not showing unless I scroll down. 

    The hero image is displayed by default under the hero caption but it is visible before even scrolling https://prnt.sc/lUxj5gTTW4-V

    - Same page: can I edit the size of the team member photos? I replace the team photos with services icons

    Make them smaller or bigger? you can modify the height for instance of the panel image with

    #team-panels .panel-content-wrapper {
        height: 40%;   

  •  2
    Louay replied

    Hi, can you provide support to finalize implementing this theme? I do have the content and have already made some changes.

    here is the current website which has all the content for now: www.publco.com 

    If you provide this service please get in touch with me at: [email protected]

  •  2,024
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    Louay replied

    Yes you really did graet job with answering and guiding us. 

    We are looking for after-sale support for, full implementation of the website. Please check our current website and tell us how much you would charge us for full theme implementation. I'm asking for extra service, it's not just Q&A.

    If you provide this service, that would be great. you can send me the quote to my email or here to take it forward.

    Thank you!

  •  2,024
    Support replied


    That really depends. As you imagine, we are very tight with time - ThemeForest is a competitive market. We can help you with small custom work if it comes to it, but otherwise for extensive full theme implementation it may get expensive.

    And full theme implementation does it mean just editing the content. Or something more complex.