  Public Ticket #3327145
technical question


  • Sascha Maissen started the conversation

    Hello. Harington is a very cool template. I use this template for a customer. The site has very little content. That's why I would like to design the page as a one-page with scrollable navigation.

    Question: Is it generally possible that when I click on the navigation in the header, I will automatically scroll down to an area further down on this page? > See screenshots

    If possible, what should the link look like? Currently it is programmed like this: <li class="link menu-timeline"><a class="" data-type="page-transition" href="#"><div class="before-span"><span data-hover="Team ">Team</span></div></a></li>

    I would be happy if I got an answer.

    Attached files:  Bildschirm­foto 2023-03-19 um 09.07.17.png
      Bildschirm­foto 2023-03-19 um 09.07.27.png

  •  1,974
    Support replied

    Hello Sascha,

    Plz contact the author directly regarding the HTML template you bought.


    This support forum is dedicated only to WordPress themes and we lack the expertise to help you with HTML templates. You may get a faster answer if you post your question to the template's comments dashboard.

    Thank you.

    Clapat Support


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