There is no Main Menu assigned!

I went to Appearance - Menus and changed Menu Name to Main Menu.
And clicked the box Theme locations Main Menu. It just doesn't seem to stick.
I installed the theme using ftp.

Support Team said … make sure you use 'newave-folder' as the root folder of the theme. 

But I have no idea how to use 'newave-folder' as the root folder of the theme.
Does it mean I should move that folder into the www root?

Currently the newwave-theme is at:
I installed the theme at network admin level in wordpress.
See, from envato you can download either the wordpress install-able file or the main archive. The main archive contains also the demo data, documentation etc and also the theme folder.
Hi, When I look my site I get:

There is no Main Menu assigned!

I went to Appearance - Menus and changed Menu Name to Main Menu.
And clicked the box Theme locations Main Menu. It just doesn't seem to stick.
I installed the theme using ftp.

Support Team said … make sure you use 'newave-folder' as the root folder of the theme. 

But I have no idea how to use 'newave-folder' as the root folder of the theme.
Does it mean I should move that folder into the www root?

Currently the newwave-theme is at:
I installed the theme at network admin level in wordpress.
Can anyone help please?

Hi there
It should be in
See, from envato you can download either the wordpress install-able file or the main archive. The main archive contains also the demo data, documentation etc and also the theme folder.
You probably unzipped the main archive :)
Thank you.
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