  Public Ticket #3239723
AJAX loading elements


  • Justin started the conversation

    When i navigate to another page and return to my home page, none of my HTML elements have loaded. I turn off AJAX loader but then the preloader doesn't work. 

    Is there any way to add some code that makes the content load with the Ajax loader?

    The content includes; My formulator form, animated heading and spinning globe

    Please see my website and navigate to "about" and then back to "home" and you should see what i'm talking about, thanks!
    Looking forward to hearing a simple solution. (Hopefully)  

  •  2,026
    Support replied

    Hi Justin,

    as you probably know we cannot guarantee any of the third party elements working w/ AJAX

    CSS styles are usually loaded in the header of the page, dynamic js effects in the footer.

    When a page is loaded with ajax header and footer stay the same (the original starting page), the content is loaded in an inner container.

    We recommend using our shortcodes/Gutenberg blocks/Elementor widgets that are guaranteed to work with ajax. Or disable ajax in customizer -> general settings. You can also keep the ajax on and add the page containing the elements as custom menu link therefore bypassing ajax.