Hello how are you? I installed Eleven - Responsive One Page Parallax Template, and when I go to attach it in wordpress, the following message appears: Unzipping the package…
Installing theme...
Unable to install the package. The theme's style.css style sheet is missing.
Theme installation failed.
I've seen several videos on the internet and I can't solve the problem.
is not a WordPress theme, it is a html template, you should ask for a refund and check our portfolio maybe you will find a theme you are interested in.
Hello how are you? I installed Eleven - Responsive One Page Parallax Template, and when I go to attach it in wordpress, the following message appears: Unzipping the package…
Installing theme...
Unable to install the package. The theme's style.css style sheet is missing.
Theme installation failed.
I've seen several videos on the internet and I can't solve the problem.
Hello Gabriela
Eleven - Responsive One Page Parallax Template
is not a WordPress theme, it is a html template, you should ask for a refund and check our portfolio maybe you will find a theme you are interested in.
Thank you.
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