So I've been tweaking this theme to become what I want it to be for a while now. I am very much appreciating the work you have put into this.
The one problem I can't seem to solve is with the slider on mobile (I am using the centered slider). When I swipe between items, the background doesn't change until I tap the screen again, which is unintuitive for someone visiting my site.. Is this something that can be fixed?
as I discussed with our web designer, changing the slider image occurs on hover (design feature) and the equivalent on mobile for hover is the tap. That's why this behavior. To change it requires a significant recoding of how the slider works.
So I've been tweaking this theme to become what I want it to be for a while now. I am very much appreciating the work you have put into this.
The one problem I can't seem to solve is with the slider on mobile (I am using the centered slider). When I swipe between items, the background doesn't change until I tap the screen again, which is unintuitive for someone visiting my site.. Is this something that can be fixed?
Hello Kyle,
as I discussed with our web designer, changing the slider image occurs on hover (design feature) and the equivalent on mobile for hover is the tap. That's why this behavior. To change it requires a significant recoding of how the slider works.
Thank you.
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