  Public Ticket #3188359
Custom Theme TEXT colors and size


  •  2
    andrea started the conversation

    Hello, I would like information about the changes I can make in some sections of the site such as Humpton Moving Title. with which additional css string can I change text color and size?
    if it were possible I would like to know the css list for full customization. thanks for your attention
  •  1,801
    Support replied

    Hello Andrea,

    Since your URL is not available ( I get a coming soon page ) I am using our live demo as example

    for a moving title


    Right clicking on it and then Inspect you will see the styles for .marquee-text-wrapper.marquee-text and h1.big-title that compose the Marquee block


    you can change the default values and then add the code to customizer -> additional CSS

    Thank you.

    Clapat Support


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