  Public Ticket #3176176
Menu widget support


  • Reno Looijmans started the conversation

    Dear Sir/Madam,

    I am interested in your theme "Munio" and I am about to make a purchase. Though, I have one remaining question: are the 4 corners on the page widget locations? Can I put images/text/links there or is the content fixed on these locations?

    I look forward to hearing from you!

    Kindest regards,
    Reno Looijmans

  •  1,800
    Support replied

    Hello Reno,

    Before answering, I have an additional question to clarify: what exactly are you referring by the 4 corners of page locations? Logo, menu, sclider navigation and folllow us? Screenshots would help.

    Thank you.

    Clapat Support


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  • Reno Looijmans replied

    Dear Sir/Madam,

    Thanks for your quick reply. It is greatly appreciated.

    Please see the image attached.

    Kindest regards,
    Reno Looijmans

    Attached files:  2022-11-28 19_36_49-.png

  •  1,800
    Support replied

    Hello Reno,

    these are not widgetized locations. Most of them are configurable.

    - top left corner: you can change the logo image in customizer

    - top right corner: you can change the wording Menu and the menu type, classic or burger

    - bottom left corner - these are navigation arrows are not configurable through settings

    - bottom right corner: you can change the wording and social networks list in customizer

    We also have a 14 days return policy

    Hope it helps 

    Thank you.

    Clapat Support


    Review Envato Item Support Policy

  •   Reno Looijmans replied privately
  •  1,800
    Support replied

    Hi Reno,

    I don't think it would be that hard to transform those locations into widgetized areas, I think the challenge is to make the CSS adjustments to accommodate the widgets.

    Thank you.

    Clapat Support


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