  Public Ticket #3160760
Demo is not installed


  • Olaide started the conversation

    my demo for elementor is not installed propberly, please help, it doesnt appear like the demo site. 

    Attached files:  Screen Shot 2022-11-05 at 10.27.58 AM.png

  •  1,801
    Support replied

    Hi there,

    As usual we are asking for wp admin access in a private comment if possible to verify the content installed. 

    Also, if you import demo data, try replacing hero demo images for ALL portfolio items with images coming from your domain/media library, on some sites the webgl will complain about images coming from a different domain due to a enforced CORS policy.

    You can change the hero image in portfolio item options and you can find the original demo images there (imported)

    Thank you.

    Clapat Support


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