  Public Ticket #3112183
Any icon to indicate more information when inside the project


  • David started the conversation

    Hi, I think your Aruba theme is awesome! I have a question and I don't know if it can be solved.
    When a person clicks on a project in the portfolio, the featured image becomes big until it occupies the whole screen. Could you put some indication saying that there is content if you scroll? Because many people think that it is only the featured image and that's it and they go back to the previous page.

    Attached files:  Captura de Pantalla 2022-08-26 a las 9.21.42.png

  •  1,794
    Support replied

    Hello David,

    to the bottom right corner of the hero screen (the top fullscreen image after you press the thumbnail in the portfolio grid) has a downward arrow indicating to scroll to the content below

    in addition you could add something like

    .scrolltotop.parallax-element.no-tooltip:after {
        content: "Scroll";

    in customizer -> additional CSS

    try testing the downward arrow without the admin bar or wp logged out:


    Thank you.

    Clapat Support


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