  Public Ticket #3051044
View on smartphones


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    Mathias started the conversation


    first for you: awesome theme, I like it very much!

    1) On smartphones after rotation to landscape there is this symbol for rotating back which is fine. But after rotating back to vertical mode the fontsize of text (not the headlines just the grey standard text section below the headlines) is bigger than its used to be. As an exampel try your live demo (e.g. try the "sneakers" portfolio, or "the blue ocean waves" in stories or the contact page). Please find screenshots attached.

    How can this be solved?

    2) Can I re-install the whole theme without loosing my almost finished work? Or which file is responsible for the formatting? Which file is saving the additional css which I put in the customizer?

    3) How to change the main background-color for the complete website (standard value for background-color is rgb(20, 20, 20)? Will I be loosing the option to use the white background option on some pages when changing the standard background-color? I would like to use rgb(0, 0, 0) instead of the dark grey rgb (20, 20, 20) for the main part but e.g. on the stories or contact I would like to use the white background-option if possible.

    Thank you and Best regards

  •  2,031
    Support replied

    Hello Mathias,

    We are glad that you like our theme. Coming back to your questions:

    1. that's a a bit difficult because there is not event for changing the screen orientation so the styles are from the landscape - I assume. You can enable landscape version with 

    @media only screen and (min-device-width : 375px) and (max-device-width : 667px) and (orientation : landscape) {                

          #rotate-device {           




    2. all your content and customizer options (including custom CSS) are preserved between installations so not problems with that. Unless you modified the theme files (.php, .js or .css)

    3. as you probably know the background type comes in two flavors: light and dark to change the color of the dark version you should open /js/scripts.js and between lines 229-254 you can replace #141414 with your own. 


    Make sure you hard refresh your page (Ctrl+F5) after making the changes

  •  1
    Mathias replied


    thanks for your help. Point 3. worked out fine.

    Your solution to point 1. does not make a difference (I hard refreshed the page after adding the css to customizer). I tried


    instead. Then the landscape version is working and you're right the regular paragraph text style (big) will be displayed. But it remains big, if I rotate back to vertical (where it is usally smaller when I first open the page). You can check it with a smartphone with your live demo. I found out that the problem occurs with paragraph text style only, if using e.g. headline the text style is not changing when ratating the smartphone back to vertical. Maybe you got another idea to help.

    4. Now I'm working on the "stories" page. I find the "floating" featured image very confusing for the visitor because of the overlapping with the text by hovering. The headline of the blog posts is very hard to read while hovering with the featured image on top. See screenshot attached please. Would it be possible to hide the featured image on the main blog page and display on the individual blog page only? Or could I change the style of the main blog page as clean as it is in your satelite theme?

    5. How can I change the color and opacity of the zoomed curser ball to make it more visable (I like the design very much)? As an example please find the attached screenshot of the menu navigation. The ball is hard to recognize.

    And just a question (no problem for me): When working on portfolio items there is the option "Hero Position" under Portfolio Item Options with the choices "Relative" and "Parallax". If I change this parameter it does not change the "Position of the "hero" section displayed as page header."

    Thank you!

  •  2,031
    Support replied

    Hello Mathias,

    point 1 - you are right, I provided the original code so it had to be modified with display: none

    unfortunately we do not have access to the change screen orientation event to recalculate the layout.

    4. you can try adding in customizer -> additional CSS

    article .hover-reveal {
        display: none;

    to hide the floating post featured image

    5. the code responsible for modifying the ball cursor styles over menu linkscan be found in /js/scripts.js lines 2459-2465 (in fact for all elements that have the CSS class 'link')


    so these CSS attributes: borderWidth, scale, backgroundColor, opacity

  •  1
    Mathias replied

    Thank you very much, it worked out fine!

    Now I would like to embed a simple audio playlist e.g. from my soundcloud into my portfolio sites. When I embed soundcloud via iframe there is no scrolling and navigation possible inside the iframe even if I use the hervin container block as the container for the iframe. I found no solution at the public tickets without loosing the "Smooth Scrolling" and the "Load Pages with Ajax" functionality. Do you have an idea how to work around this problem? I don't want to loose the nice experience of "Smooth Scrolling" and "Load Pages with Ajax".

  •  2,031
    Support replied

    Hello Mathias

    the problem with smooth scrolling is that it hijacks the scroll events so the normal scroll is not in place.

    It should work though with ajax on and smooth scrolling off.

    if the audio playlist is a plugin it may fail to function if it has js initialization that takes place in the page header

  •  1
    Mathias replied

    Thank you very much!

    If you'll find a way to solve the scrolling problem without disabling the nice smooth scrolling please let us know or implement it in a theme update. It would be a huge step for the usability of your really great theme, if we could embed external videos, audio playlists etc. without loosing the nice smooth scrolling feature.

    As you suggested I enabled the landscape mode on smartphones. Now I need to increase the space on top of the footer line because (only) in landscape mode there is only a small space between the footer and the bottom Portfolio Hero Caption Title Navigation (outline). How can I change the top padding of the footer line in landscape only?

    Thanks again for your kind support.

  •  2,031
  •   Mathias replied privately
  •  2,031
    Support replied

    Hello Mathias,

    you can decrease the bottom for the project navigation for landscape orientation:

    @media (orientation: landscape) {

          #project-nav {

              bottom: -50vh;


    in customizer -> additional CSS

    and for any other elements you want to change specifically (you include the CSS styles inside @media (orientation: landscape) { ... } )

    your other questions:

    1. when hovering over blog posts titles?


    2. so without <a> tag , replacing the <a> tag with a <div>?

    for that we need to modify the /content/plugins/hervin-functionality-plugin/include/shortcodes.php

    line 327


  •  1
    Mathias replied

    Thank you!

    to 1.:

    yes, there I would like to have my own changed ball cursur style too.

    Because I deactivated the featured images on hovering the list blog titles (probably you remember, that I found the floating appearance a little confusing for the visitor), I would like to have the changing of the cursor ball when hovering these blog post titles (as I already changed it in my main menu). How can I make it?

    to 2.:

    I tried it. But that seems to be a general solution concerning all pages. But I need the hervin button with href-functionality on some pages too. How can I use the hervin button in both ways (with and without href), probably with additional css-classes if I work on the hervin button in the wp-backend? With other words:

    How can I remove the automatic generation of the href property for the hervin button for a specific site only (I use the hervin button on another site with a external link too)?

  •  2,031
    Support replied

    Hello Mathias,

    - try removing 'hide-ball' class in /sections/blog_post_section.php (path relative to the root theme folder) on line 13:


    - ok, in this case what we recommend is to open the page source in browser (right click -> View Source) and copy the HTML code corresponding the button.  You can then modify it as you like and paste it back in the page content instead of the shortcode.

  •  1
    Mathias replied

    Thank you very much for your quick help and kind support. Highly recommended!

    All the best, Clapat Support!