  Public Ticket #3047025
Broken Theme?


  •  2
    Kyle started the conversation

    Hi. I just bought this theme and I am fairly disappointed. I am hoping you will be able to clear it up.

    It seems to me that the way these demo pages were constructed is a mess. I imported all the demo content, and when I attempt to edit the pages, either in WPBakery or Gutenberg, it is difficult to the point of being impossible to do. Gutenberg says "This block contains unexpected or invalid content" for nearly every single block. When I open the same pages in WPBakery, everything is (for some reason) in one massive text block, so I am just essentially editing code and shortcode anyways. It is not built with the WPBakery, even though I am using the WPBakery child theme. 

    I bought this theme to save me time so I didn't have to code things myself. The only way I can seemingly lay out any page with this theme is to clumsily copy code from various demo pages in an attempt to recreate their layouts, as opposed to using the two visual tools (WPBakery & Gutenberg) that were advertised as being supported. 

    Very confused. Is all the demo content just broken? And I have to start from scratch on every page with WPBakery? From what I can tell it seems like all the demo content uses classes and shortcodes that aren't even listed in WPBakery-- so how am I supposed to design a page like them without coding? 

    Again, the entire point of buying this theme was to save me time. I need a website up and running ASAP. I am finding myself banging my head against a wall with this theme. I have many other wordpress sites up and running and this theme is by far the hardest time I've had with a purchase from Envato. Please enlighten me if possible. 

  •  2,033
    Support replied

    Hello Kyle,

    Is it possible to provide wp admin access so we can have a look? make sure you post the credentials in a private comment.

  •   Kyle replied privately
  •   Support replied privately
  •   Kyle replied privately
  •   Support replied privately
  •   Kyle replied privately
  •   Kyle replied privately
  •  2
    Kyle replied

    Also-- just a bug I've noticed on your site (both on your actual Grenada website and when I installed it on mine, both in Edge and Brave) is that the Windows option in settings under "Display -> Scale and layout" where it scales the UI for 4k monitors breaks the AJAX that controls resizing items in the Portfolio page, effectively causing the items to resize too soon or too late, which caused it to randomly switch between 1 and 2 columns. This only happens when the scaling is above 100% (150% is what Windows Recommends if you have a 4k monitor). I have no idea why this would be but I figured I would mention.

  •   Support replied privately
  •   Support replied privately
  •  2
    Kyle replied


    Unfortunately I could not respond due to a family emergency/death in the family.

    Anyway, also unfortunately, everything is not in order. I am still in the same predicament in terms of trying to decipher how to assemble page outside copy-pasting what is in the demo portfolio items and pages into my own. 

    The chief problem I am experiencing is with the portfolio-mixed page. I am attempting to layout some extra content to add below the portfolio stuff, yet no matter what I try the page is broken (the text is outside the content containers in the theme, and is thus not receiving any padding / styling that would assumedly ordinarily go with being part of the page content). Isn't the entire purpose of the portfolio-mixed page to be able to add some extra stuff in there? How do I get this to work? 

    The page in question I'm editing is the "Work" page on my site. You will see my two attempts at creating content for the page, one of which is simply added, the other of which is in a "Grenada Container" -- something which I am having difficulty understanding the necessity of and can't find in the documentation. The Grenada Container is acting erratically leading me to believe its not receiving any styling as a result of being outside of the normal main-page-content divs. 

  •  2,033
    Support replied

    Hi Kyle,

    Sorry to hear about and plz accept my condolences.

    Grenada Container has some attributes that can be set in the right side panel and can help with individual background color and paddings:


    Also you can use the container with additional CSS classes such as

    full  or small - full width or small width

    text-align-center - to center the content

    As example I've setup the container with paddings in the Work page:


    you can also change the alignment if you want:
