I have a Problem with my Satellite Theme. I customized it and now it does not run in Safari on iPhone anymore. Could you please help me! Sorry for just writing this under another article, but your support system doesn't let me submit a ticket, since I bought the regular satellite theme from theme forest and not the Wordpress one. Website is: www.rocknrollmedia.net
This support forum is dedicated only to WordPress themes and we lack the expertise to help you with HTML templates. You may get a faster answer if you post your question to the template's comments dashboard.
Hi, I'm wondering if there is any option to randomize the portfolio view of products shown on the main page slider.
This will be a bit more interesting for viewers to have new image on main page everytime they visit.
BTW: Got another open ticket which still needs help. BR.
To randomize the order of portfolio items displayed in the fullscreen slider:
open showcase-page.php and then change the query that selects the items between lines 43-48
and add a random orderby parameter in the query parameters list
$satelite_args = array(
'post_type' => 'satelite_portfolio',
'paged' => $satelite_paged,
'tax_query' => $satelite_showcase_tax_query,
'orderby' => 'rand',
'posts_per_page' => 1000,
Regarding your other ticket we can give you guidelines on how to implement and what are the possible solutions.
The solution we gave was not a widgetized area was just a space where to add your content and you can customize and style it further
This is a short tutorial on how you can add a widgetized area to your footer:
Thank you.
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Hey There at ClaPat Studios,
I have a Problem with my Satellite Theme. I customized it and now it does not run in Safari on iPhone anymore. Could you please help me! Sorry for just writing this under another article, but your support system doesn't let me submit a ticket, since I bought the regular satellite theme from theme forest and not the Wordpress one. Website is: www.rocknrollmedia.net
Plz contact the author directly regarding the HTML template you bought.
This support forum is dedicated only to WordPress themes and we lack the expertise to help you with HTML templates. You may get a faster answer if you post your question to the template's comments dashboard.
Thank you.
Clapat Support
Review Envato Item Support Policy
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