Hello, can you help me with this? i’m trying to install into a 5.5.5 wordpress version and i get this error:
Fatal error: Uncaught ArgumentCountError: array_merge() does not accept unknown named parameters in C:xampphtdocslauraysebastian5.5.xwp-includeswidgets.php:1265 Stack trace: #0 C:xampphtdocslauraysebastian5.5.xwp-includeswidgets.php(1265): array_merge(wp_inactive_widgets: Array, colega-blog-sidebar: Array) #1 C:xampphtdocslauraysebastian5.5.xwp-includesclass-wp-customize-widgets.php(279): retrieve_widgets(‘customize’) #2 C:xampphtdocslauraysebastian5.5.xwp-includesclass-wp-hook.php(287): WP_Customize_Widgets->override_sidebars_widgets_for_theme_switch(’’) #3 C:xampphtdocslauraysebastian5.5.xwp-includesclass-wp-hook.php(311): WP_Hook->apply_filters(NULL, Array) #4 C:xampphtdocslauraysebastian5.5.xwp-includesplugin.php(478): WP_Hook->do_action(Array) #5 C:xampphtdocslauraysebastian5.5.xwp-settings.php(568): do_action(‘wp_loaded’) #6 C:xampphtdocslauraysebastian5.5.xwp-config.php(90): require_once(‘C:\xampp\htdocs…’) #7 C:xampphtdocslauraysebastian5.5.xwp-load.php(37): require_once(‘C:\xampp\htdocs…’) #8 C:xampphtdocslauraysebastian5.5.xwp-adminadmin.php(34): require_once(‘C:\xampp\htdocs…’) #9 C:xampphtdocslauraysebastian5.5.xwp-admincustomize.php(13): require_once(‘C:\xampp\htdocs…’) #10 {main} thrown in C:xampphtdocslauraysebastian5.5.xwp-includeswidgets.php on line 1265 Ha habido un error crítico en tu web. Por favor, revisa el buzón del correo electrónico de administración de tu sitio para instrucciones.
at point you are going to move your theme online. Can you do it now to see if the problem still persists and if it does for us to inspect the backend. We can also install demo data there free of charge if you provide wp admin access in a private comment.
Hello i wan't to tell you that i solved the problem installing theme on 5.7.x version.
I've a new ask:
The site i'm working for my client is a desing portfolio with images and some text. They asked me to add a translate button to change all the site from spanish into english. Can i add some module to do that?
Hello, can you help me with this? i’m trying to install into a 5.5.5 wordpress version and i get this error:
Fatal error: Uncaught ArgumentCountError: array_merge() does not accept unknown named parameters in C:xampphtdocslauraysebastian5.5.xwp-includeswidgets.php:1265 Stack trace: #0 C:xampphtdocslauraysebastian5.5.xwp-includeswidgets.php(1265): array_merge(wp_inactive_widgets: Array, colega-blog-sidebar: Array) #1 C:xampphtdocslauraysebastian5.5.xwp-includesclass-wp-customize-widgets.php(279): retrieve_widgets(‘customize’) #2 C:xampphtdocslauraysebastian5.5.xwp-includesclass-wp-hook.php(287): WP_Customize_Widgets->override_sidebars_widgets_for_theme_switch(’’) #3 C:xampphtdocslauraysebastian5.5.xwp-includesclass-wp-hook.php(311): WP_Hook->apply_filters(NULL, Array) #4 C:xampphtdocslauraysebastian5.5.xwp-includesplugin.php(478): WP_Hook->do_action(Array) #5 C:xampphtdocslauraysebastian5.5.xwp-settings.php(568): do_action(‘wp_loaded’) #6 C:xampphtdocslauraysebastian5.5.xwp-config.php(90): require_once(‘C:\xampp\htdocs…’) #7 C:xampphtdocslauraysebastian5.5.xwp-load.php(37): require_once(‘C:\xampp\htdocs…’) #8 C:xampphtdocslauraysebastian5.5.xwp-adminadmin.php(34): require_once(‘C:\xampp\htdocs…’) #9 C:xampphtdocslauraysebastian5.5.xwp-admincustomize.php(13): require_once(‘C:\xampp\htdocs…’) #10 {main} thrown in C:xampphtdocslauraysebastian5.5.xwp-includeswidgets.php on line 1265 Ha habido un error crítico en tu web. Por favor, revisa el buzón del correo electrónico de administración de tu sitio para instrucciones.
Aprende más sobre la depuración en WordPress.
How can i solve?
Hello Santiago,
Can you send us wp admin access in a private comment so we can investigate?
Thank you.
Clapat Support
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I'm working local
I installed un wp 7 Buy don't work properly
It's hard for me to guess if I cannot inspect your site. Do you have any widget in the blog sidebar? Can you add alt leas one just to test?
Thank you.
Clapat Support
Review Envato Item Support Policy
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This error appears when i try to actívate the theme after install it
at point you are going to move your theme online. Can you do it now to see if the problem still persists and if it does for us to inspect the backend. We can also install demo data there free of charge if you provide wp admin access in a private comment.
Thank you.
Clapat Support
Review Envato Item Support Policy
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Hello i wan't to tell you that i solved the problem installing theme on 5.7.x version.
I've a new ask:
The site i'm working for my client is a desing portfolio with images and some text. They asked me to add a translate button to change all the site from spanish into english. Can i add some module to do that?
Hello Santiago,
We do not endorse it, but we provide a wpml config file with the theme and I know also that Polylang understands wpml config files
Thank you.
Clapat Support
Review Envato Item Support Policy
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