  Public Ticket #2759504
images on mobile browsers


  • Nick Bailey started the conversation


    I'm struggling with the sides being cropped off the images when my page is viewed on a phone. I understand why the cropping needs to happen, but I could do with a work-around. 

    I've tried setting up a redirect to an alternative Project page using using this plug-in: https://wordpress.org/plugins/equivalent-mobile-redirect/

    It works but there's a delay in the redirect taking effect and the desktop version is displayed briefly before the mobile one appears. If you look at my site, the 'Coastlines' Project will illustrate what I've done and what happens. 

    Do you have any suggestions?

    I've also just noticed that redirecting to another Project page messes up the navigation to the next project at the bottom of the Project page. I think what I really need is the option to use an alternative Hero image when viewing on a mobile browser. Is this possible?

