  Public Ticket #2735054
Image rescaling on different types of devices


  • Nick Bailey started the conversation

    I understand that the image resizes according to screen-size and aspect ratio. However, I'm having trouble getting this to work across different types of devices. On a phone, it seems that portrait images work better, but on a computer, landscape works better. The result is that the compositions in my photos are spoilt because either the top and bottom are cropped-off in a computer, or the sides are cropped-off on a phone. 

    I was wondering if it's possible to set up the 'classic menu' for the phone version, and the 'full-screen slider' for the computer version. If so, how can I do this? 

  • Nick Bailey replied

    I've sorted this now with this plug-in: https://wordpress.org/plugins/equivalent-mobile-redirect/

    It seems to work ok

  •  1,810
    Support replied

    Hello Nick, ok good to know about this plugin. There are a few mobile redirect plugins out there.

    Thank you.

    Clapat Support


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