  Public Ticket #2720113
Showcase Slider Demo Content doesnt work


  • Niklas started the conversation


    I've got a problem with your theme and uploading the demo content. Everything works fine, except the first site of the demo content, the site called "Fullscreen Slider" with the "Showcase Template". This template doesn't show any pictures, only if i click at the title, in the demo page there are fullscreen pics all over the first site. Please check my site, i hope you know what i mean! Every other template is working fine, except this one. And please excuse my bad english, i'm from germany and trying to giving my best!

    Kind regards,


  •  2,031
    Support replied

    Hello Niklas,

    I you import demo data, try replacing all demo hero images with ones coming from your own domain, on some sites the webgl will complain about images coming from a different domain due to a enforced CORS policy. You can do this in each of the portfolio item options.

  • Niklas replied

    Hello! Thanks for the fast reply!

    I already changed the source of the pics from your server to my wordpress library as you can see in the screenshot 3, but the Slider stays dark, so the pic couldnt be loaded correctly from the template. I have to click on one of the portfolio buttons, then the article opens and the pic appears as you can see in the screenshot 4.

  • Niklas replied

    Okay it worked, i changed all sources of all portfolios, now the pics of all portfolios are visible! Thanks for the support anyways!