I am sitting on a macbook on chrome and am creating my portfolio. When clicking on a case study the opacity stays on 1, which makes the hero text on a lighter image unreadable. When reloading the page it is 0.8. I will attach you a pictures. Since this is directly written in the html I cannot overwrite it in additional CSS. Would appreciate your help there.
Another issue I just noticed that I think hangs together with this, is that when at my homepage: https://lydiajenewein.com/and the user clicks a portfolio item and it opens, the formations of the Gutenberg block is not correct either (along with the opacity of the hero). When reloading they arrange each other correctly. I send screenshots with to make it easier to understand.
Could you help me there too? Not sure how much this hangs together with the theme.
Hi there,
I am sitting on a macbook on chrome and am creating my portfolio. When clicking on a case study the opacity stays on 1, which makes the hero text on a lighter image unreadable. When reloading the page it is 0.8. I will attach you a pictures. Since this is directly written in the html I cannot overwrite it in additional CSS. Would appreciate your help there.
Hello Lydia
The trouble here is that, by design' the theme comes in two background flavors: light and dark
So when the background is light you will have the foreground (therefore the text content, titles etc. as dark)
of course you can add
#hero-bg-image {
opacity: 0.8 !important;
so you can force the opacity over the hero image
Thank you.
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Oh great thank you!
Another issue I just noticed that I think hangs together with this, is that when at my homepage: https://lydiajenewein.com/and the user clicks a portfolio item and it opens, the formations of the Gutenberg block is not correct either (along with the opacity of the hero). When reloading they arrange each other correctly. I send screenshots with to make it easier to understand.
Could you help me there too? Not sure how much this hangs together with the theme.
Hi Lydia,
try disabling AJAX in customizer -> general settings and the re test and let us know.
Thank you.
Clapat Support
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Hi! That worked! Thanks!