  Public Ticket #2710072
Mobile Issues


  • Tommaso Signori started the conversation


    I used your portfolio template to create a landing page.

    I have just a few issues using it on the mobile version:

    - the firs one is that the video is not autoplaying, is there any way to play it on the mobile version?

    - the second issue is that on the mobile version I see an old version of the website, I made some changes that I can see on the desktop version but not in the mobile version. 

    I tried on different browsers but I always see the old version of the website (Chrome, Firefox and Opera).

    I thought it was a caching problem but i deleted it and it still remains, I also re uploaded the website with the improvements I made but I can see no difference.

    Can you please help me? 

    Best regards.

  • Tommaso Signori replied


    I just found out that I can see the changes I made only if I am logged as an administrator. But if I am not logged in (like a normal user) I can see an old version of the website. 

  •  1,802
    Support replied

    Hello Tommaso,

    Could it be related with CloudFlare?


    It is not recommended, as a general practice, having videos autoplaying on mobile (and taking in consideration different data mobile plans and different networks streaming speeds). Also, the problem with ios devices is they interpret the HTML 5 videos as videos without player so they will embed it it in a popup player. You should provide a poster image (hero image) for mobile in video portfolio options.

    However, to enable video on mobile try the following:

    1. add

    @media only screen and (max-width: 1024px){      .hero-video-wrapper {         display: block;         visibility: visible;      }


    in customizer -> additional CSS

    2. open/js.scripts.js and remove the following lines:

    var viewportWidth = $(window).width(); if (viewportWidth < 1024) {      $('.hero-video-wrapper').remove();   }

    hard refresh the page (Ctrl+F5) when you are done.

    3.  go to showcase-page.php and change the following line

    <video loop muted class="bgvid">


    <video loop muted playsinline class="bgvid">

    same thing for /sections/hero_section_container.php  line 46

    Thank you.

    Clapat Support


    Review Envato Item Support Policy

  • Tommaso Signori replied

    Thanks for helping me, I found out that I had a caching plug-in on my main site that was causing troubles.

    Thanks also for the autoplay settings for the mobile version of video, I'll think if is the case to activate it or not.

    Best regards and have a nice day.

  •  1,802
    Support replied

    Excellent Tommaso

    Thank you.

    Clapat Support


    Review Envato Item Support Policy