Since a day my munio collage isn't working properly on one of my portfolio items. Ajax is turned off for the whole site (customize>general settings>load site with ajax>disabled) because I use external plugins for example tiled gallery from jetpack. I've tried turning it on and off, no change. I have also duplicated my portfolio, no change. I have rebuild the entire portfolio, no change. The munio collage is not working. It shows all images as large as the webpage one after the other. And when clicking on it, it shows the second image but i can not close it (the x in the right top corner is gone).
Why isn't it working? Can you assist me with that as well?
Please get back to me as soon as you can. So far 3 tickets are open and so far no reply.
Hi there,
Since a day my munio collage isn't working properly on one of my portfolio items. Ajax is turned off for the whole site (customize>general settings>load site with ajax>disabled) because I use external plugins for example tiled gallery from jetpack. I've tried turning it on and off, no change. I have also duplicated my portfolio, no change. I have rebuild the entire portfolio, no change. The munio collage is not working. It shows all images as large as the webpage one after the other. And when clicking on it, it shows the second image but i can not close it (the x in the right top corner is gone).
Why isn't it working? Can you assist me with that as well?
Please get back to me as soon as you can. So far 3 tickets are open and so far no reply.
Appreciate it!
Kind regards
Please send us wp admin access so we can verify the Munio Collage (and the name of the portfolio item that contains the malfunctioning Munio collage)
Thank you.
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Thank you I did.
Looking forward to your reply to my private ticket.
Kind regards,
Ok, closing this ticket
Thank you.
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