On the Our Team page, is there a way to get a longer character count on the bios? As you can see, I have been messing around with them, but they get cut off around 100 characters. Or if you put in too many characters will it not render properly?
The limit is indeed 100 characters - to increase it go to shortcodes.php and change line 518 or line 574 depending of you are using the carousel or not
On the Our Team page, is there a way to get a longer character count on the bios? As you can see, I have been messing around with them, but they get cut off around 100 characters. Or if you put in too many characters will it not render properly?
The limit is indeed 100 characters - to increase it go to shortcodes.php and change line 518 or line 574 depending of you are using the carousel or not
Thank you.
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