  Public Ticket #2667091
Design Bugs


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    bar Rubinstein started the conversation

    Hey guys,

    how are you doing? Hope you will find this email well. I just wanted to change my intro page and I saw two differents problems ; 

    - I would like my homepage ot be a large caroussel, but I don't see the option in the list of pages anymore, how can I upload it again and where I can find it ? It's weird it seems that other intro options Like fullscreen Menu are gone too... 

    - Still on home page, It also seems that my project "pérmices" the 1st one, has a video but the size does not match the thumbnail, it features a zoom of the thumbnail... how can I change this ? 

    Thanks again for your help


  •  2,023
    Support replied

    Hello Bar!

    - So for large carousel the page is called 'Large Carousel' and it has the Carousel page template and the layout set to Large Carousel in page options:


    The menu setting can be found in customizer -> general settings

    - Regarding the video thumbnail: i think it's a matter of displaying the video in the current viewport which in our case is the carousel thumbnail while preserving the original video's aspect ratio

    This is an article that applies to images but it can apply to videos as well:


  •  1
    bar Rubinstein replied

    Hello guys, 

    thanks again for your help, I fixed the large carousel point. I think I understood the video thumbnail crop but I still dont' get if I can manage it somewhere, in the browser or somewhere in the settings? Or I just can't manage it.. 

    I also have a few other questions hehe... 

    - I found a quick way of duplicating a portfolio project, copy everything and paste it in a new portfolio page, but its not ideal. Why I cannot find "Duplicate Page" button somewhere? I tried all settings but nothing...  

    - In contact page, I would like to add a link on the "email box", that people can click on it and send directly a email with this code: <a href="mailto:[email protected]">Link text</a> . Where can I paste this easily ? Or even click on the phone for mobiel and direct to an option to call the number. 

    - I did not find the way in Settings > Permalinks, to display the permalinks without the "satelite portfolio" in the link... How can I have only isotonestudio.com/portfolio example ? 

    - And finally, I have also your Munio theme, which display social media links in footer as icons rather than letters, how can  upload these same social media icons? 

    Thanks again, it does really help :) 


  •  2,023
    Support replied

    Hello Bar,

    my answers inline, bolded:

    - I found a quick way of duplicating a portfolio project, copy everything and paste it in a new portfolio page, but its not ideal. Why I cannot find "Duplicate Page" button somewhere? I tried all settings but nothing...  

    You can use a plugin for this however best way I recommend is actually getting the classic editor and simply copying and pasting the content and manually setting the options (which you need to change anyway, the hero image for example)

    - In contact page, I would like to add a link on the "email box", that people can click on it and send directly a email with this code: <a href="mailto:[email protected]">Link text</a> . Where can I paste this easily ? Or even click on the phone for mobiel and direct to an option to call the number.

    Where exactly do you want to add the link? 

    - I did not find the way in Settings > Permalinks, to display the permalinks without the "satelite portfolio" in the link... How can I have only isotonestudio.com/portfolio example ? 

    You can go to theme options -> portfolio options to change the custom slug. Just enter your own and after saving the changes go to Settings -> Permalinks and press 'Save' to refresh them.

    In order to completely remove it you may want to use a plugin:


    - And finally, I have also your Munio theme, which display social media links in footer as icons rather than letters, how can  upload these same social media icons? 

    Satelite requires custom work for this Munio feature

  •  1
    bar Rubinstein replied

    Hey Mister,

    wow, that was quick, thanks for the fast answer. Here are my answers in bold italic : 

    You didn't answer my point concerning the video thumbnail crop. Can I manage it somewhere, in the browser or somewhere in the settings? Or I just can't manage it.. 

    - In contact page, I would like to add a link on the "email box", that people can click on it and send directly a email with this code: <a href="mailto:[email protected]">Link text</a> . Where can I paste this easily ? Or even click on the phone for mobile and direct to an option to call the number.

    Where exactly do you want to add the link?

    I would like to add the link on each box (Phone, mail and address, one link per box) in the contact page

    - And finally, I have also your Munio theme, which display social media links in footer as icons rather than letters, how can  upload these same social media icons? 

    Satelite requires custom work for this Munio feature. 

    Is this possible to have this custome work or you don't have time? 

    Thanks again


  •  2,023
    Support replied

    Hello Bar,

    - custom work - we can do this for a small fee or we can show you how and where to change

    - video thumbnail - that's when the video is created - keep the aspect ratio as close to the viewport's so that the crop will be minimum

    - this can be done if you take the html code of the contact boxes (for example you need to take theme from the page source) and you add the links inside the <h6> header's

    For example:

    <div class="clapat-icon "><i class="fa fa fa-paper-plane fa-2x fa-2x" aria-hidden="true"></i></div><h6><a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a></h6><p>Email </p>
  •  1
    bar Rubinstein replied

    Hi Clapat

    - For custom social media icons, I guess I need to upload those somewhere but if you could show me how to do it it would be more simple of course. If you want that would be amazing :) 

    - video thumbnail. What is the exact ratio of the thumbnail for me to recreate the video with proper size and avoid bad cropping. 

    - An thanks for the html code but I did not found it in the HTML editor of the box... I mean I did not fuond the "H6" section, am I in the wrong place? Where is this "page source" you are mentionning?  (for example you need to take theme from the page source)



  •   Support replied privately
  •   bar Rubinstein replied privately
  •  2,023
    Support replied

    Hello all done, for the fontawesome icons as social networks

    you need to go to the contact page, select view source in browser and copy the html output of the shortcode, for example


    and then add the link to it

    After you did that in the column paste the code as html block instead of the shortcode block.

  •  1
    bar Rubinstein replied

    Hi Clapat, 

    thank you for the work, it is exactly what we wanted, it's awesome. 

    A couple more little points I checked earlier today : 

    1. So I finally choose the grid intro. I disabled the Hero Section, to not have a title before the grid. but now there is a huge space between the menu and the first two projects, and I find it weird (see screenshot 1).

    2. On this same homepage, on the mobile version, How can I not have this "Filter" button (screenshot 2) ? But I still want the option of "Hold On" on desktop. 

    3. And finally, it seems that when the cursor is on a vimeo video, we cannot scroll anymore, which is very difficult, especially on smaller screens... Is it because of the embed code of vimeo ? How can we fix this ? 

    Thanks for your help


  •  2,023
    Support replied


    1. I've disabled 'Display Page Title When Hero Section Is Disabled' on customizer -> general settings


    2. you can add

    @media only screen and (max-width: 1024px){
          #show-filters {
              display: none !important;


    in customizer -> additional CSS

    3. The issue here is that the vimeo video displays in a separate <iframe> therefore the scrolling events are not passed to the current window. Try disabling smooth scrolling in customizer -> general settings

  •  1
    bar Rubinstein replied

    Once again, all perfect, eveything works fine, thanks for all this !! 

    Have a good day


    Bar R

  •  2,023