How would you make the posts page automatically show the image of the posts without having to have the user hover their mouse over the posts to show it? (I am using the built-in posts functionality of Hervin)
Hey Support, what file would I have to change to do this? blog-page.php? Would it be possible to modify the portfolio templates to make them compatible with posts? Right now the posts template is really missing some oomph.
How would you make the posts page automatically show the image of the posts without having to have the user hover their mouse over the posts to show it?
(I am using the built-in posts functionality of Hervin)
Hello Kevin,
this requires custom work and entirely redesigning the blog page template to display the blog image statically, above or below the post's title
Thank you.
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Hey Support, what file would I have to change to do this? blog-page.php? Would it be possible to modify the portfolio templates to make them compatible with posts? Right now the posts template is really missing some oomph.
Hi Kevin, the file to modify is actually blog-page.php
and also the rendering for each blog post in
however this has ramiifications in the css and js files (/js/scripts.js) for the styles effects
the portfolio grid and and the showcase pages are implemeneted in portfolio-page.php and showcase-page.php
Thank you.
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