One of my questions would be how could I remove on main page the featured pages like Gold Man, Born Wide, Kitchen, Baseball, etc. from the main page.
My other question is how can I display a slideshow on the main page, so I think that the highlighted image shouldn’t just appear statically on the main page, but also in slider.
Dear Support!
One of my questions would be how could I remove on main page the featured pages like Gold Man, Born Wide, Kitchen, Baseball, etc. from the main page.
My other question is how can I display a slideshow on the main page, so I think that the highlighted image shouldn’t just appear statically on the main page, but also in slider.
Thank you so much for you help!
1. you simply delete the portfolio items in question in Admin -> Portfolio
2. I'm not sure I understand the question: you already have the fullscreen slider as home page if you can give us more details
Thank you.
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