  Public Ticket #2471366
Query in Satellite Theme


  • Karan Chelani started the conversation


    I've installed satellite theme on my wesbite.
    And I want to do a modification but there is no option to do so.
    I want the HERO CAPTION SUBTITLE to be below the HERO CAPTION TITLE of portfolio.
    Please let me know how can I do that.
    I have attached an image so you can understand it in better way.
    Thank You!

  •  1,806
    Support replied

    Hi Karan, 

    you can go to /js/scripts.js and modify line 1437

    return '<div class="tab__link ' + className + '">' + '<div class="counter-wrap">' + '<div class="counter">' + counter[index] + '</div>' + '</div>' + '<div class="subtitle">' + subtitle[index] + '</div>' + '<div class="title">' + titles[index] + '</div>' + '</div>';


    return '<div class="tab__link ' + className + '">' + '<div class="counter-wrap">' + '<div class="counter">' + counter[index] + '</div>' + '</div>' + '<div class="title">' + titles[index] + '</div>' + '<div class="subtitle">' + subtitle[index] + '</div>' + '</div>';

    so you basically switch title with subtitle, then hard refresh the page (Ctrl+F5)

    Thank you.

    Clapat Support


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