  Public Ticket #2465328
Footer Customisation


  • Victoria started the conversation


    I have some questions regarding the footer for Grenada theme.

    1. By default, the page shows a copyright prefix, and when we hover over it, the copyright text is revealed. Is there a way to disable this effect? I simply need a static copyright text to be shown without any hover effects.
    2. The copyright text is missing in the showcase page. Is there a way to add it in? I know that originally it is replaced by the slide counter. However, I have removed the counter, and I only want the copyright text to be shown there instead.
    3. Is there a way to replace the entire section of social links into (1) text area or (2) image? Currently I am only able to remove the social links, but i want the bottom right corner of the footer to show either a line of text or a logo.
    4. In the portfolio page, by default, at the end of the page there is a link to the next project. I wanted to remove this text, so I added "#project-nav {display: none; }" in additional css. This works, but now I am left with a huge blank space, because it only removes the text but does not close the gap. How do I remove this blank gap?

    Thank you.

  •  1,804
    Support replied

    Hi Victoria,

    1, 2 an 3 require custom work. We can do it for a fee or we can give you guidelines on where and how implement them

    Requires intermediate php knowledge

    For #4 what is the portfolio page URL

    Thank you.

    Clapat Support


    Review Envato Item Support Policy

  •   Victoria replied privately
  •  1,804
    Support replied

    Hello Victoria,

    try the following

    #main-page-content.project-page {
        margin-bottom: calc(48vh - 140px);

    in customizer -> additional CSS, decrease the value of 48vh

    Thank you.

    Clapat Support


    Review Envato Item Support Policy

  • Victoria replied


    That works perfectly.

    Thank you.