first of all, have you considered using portfolio categories to group them? you can display separate categories in almost all page templates using a category filter.
Ps I tried to disable the smooth scrolling but the scrollmagic plugin (which uses gsap too) seems blocking your website.. so sad being that the library is the same...
In this way I will have 2 cpt (that I will rename) : "portfolio" (showing customers) and "services", showing what my company offers, because I like the way, single portfolios are loading.... and have related portfolios, and pages doesnt work that way.
Also please, can you update your gsap library? You theme doesn't work with the official gsap plugin.. I guess you have the version 2.x, while actually they have the 3rd version. I can't add extra animations... Thanks
I tried, but seems that the cpt was not loading. BTW, I did delete everything I tocuhed for testing (always on child theme and functions).
So send me a way to pay and I will pay for this customization, thanks.
(A new cpt that works the same as portfolio parent pages and its singles)
I think that should better to have this cpt on a child theme because, I guess that someday you shall update the parent.. so better avoiding future troubles.
Please note that the scripts you are using are outdated (gsap, scrollmagic, tweenmax)
$wp_customize->add_control( ''clapat_bauman_services_custom_slug', array( 'label' => esc_html__( 'Custom Slug For Services', 'bauman' ), 'description' => esc_html__('If you want your portfolio post type to have a custom slug in the url, please enter it here. You will still have to refresh your permalinks after saving this! This is done by going to Settings > Permalinks and clicking save.', 'bauman'), 'section' => 'portfolio_settings', 'type' => 'text', ) );
and in the file make sure the variables have a different name for example
3. have a look at ajaxSuccess event handler as you can see in the child theme we provide in main archive (I attach it here for your convenience, childscript.js file)
4. that is custom work, you need to call do_shortcode() function in /sections/menu_section.php
Hi, is possible to clone the portfolio cpt, to have another one that works like that one?
So portfolio will be for internal projects, and "customers" for clients projects?
SECOND QUESTION, more important: how to have popups in your theme?
Something like a CTA ("click here" to open the popup)
Hello Denys,
first of all, have you considered using portfolio categories to group them? you can display separate categories in almost all page templates using a category filter.
We have the popup image that you can use:
Thank you.
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Hi, thanks.
What if I may need to write "Click here" and open a popup with text or video?
For CPT I have been asking because the slug is the same... having 2 CPT I will have 2 slugs.. thanks
Hi, sorry again.. the plugin Scroll Magic for Wordpress seems blocking your theme.
How to use both?
They have advanced animations and transitions onscroll that are not default in your theme, like this one:
Or these ones:
Hello Denys,
1. it is possible to create a new custom post type however you need to do quite a few steps:
- in \bauman-functionality-plugin\include\custom-post-types-config.php you should add a new cpt with register_post_type and eventually a new category
- in /include/metabox-config.php a new set of options for it
- in /include/hero_properties.php to read the metabox properties for it
- create single-your_cpt_type_name.php to define the layout of the new post type page.
This is what it's needed in the first place.
2. we don't have a pop up element like that as a shortcode
3. try disabling smooth scrolling in customizer -> general settings, there may be a conflict between them
Thank you.
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Hi, thanks.
No problem, give me a quotation...
Ps I tried to disable the smooth scrolling but the scrollmagic plugin (which uses gsap too) seems blocking your website.. so sad being that the library is the same...
Hi, no problem, gonna pay that sum.
Just send me any paypal link, no problem.
In this way I will have 2 cpt (that I will rename) : "portfolio" (showing customers) and "services", showing what my company offers, because I like the way, single portfolios are loading.... and have related portfolios, and pages doesnt work that way.
Also please, can you update your gsap library?
You theme doesn't work with the official gsap plugin.. I guess you have the version 2.x, while actually they have the 3rd version. I can't add extra animations...
I tried, but seems that the cpt was not loading.
BTW, I did delete everything I tocuhed for testing (always on child theme and functions).
I think that should better to have this cpt on a child theme because, I guess that someday you shall update the parent.. so better avoiding future troubles.
Please note that the scripts you are using are outdated (gsap, scrollmagic, tweenmax)
Hi, any news please?
I’m blocked , because I need to manage the content...
Please, send me any billing details and I will pay asap.
Hi, sorry it's me or I cant view your new cpt on wordpress customizer?
How to view them on front end? Or set the permalink? (bauman_services) - I can view on backend the metabox, but cant view on the front-end editor...
Once fix this last thing, gonna pay, thanks.
Ps: is that an email for Paypal?
Hi again, this is the final slug:
But I got a lot of errors on owl carousel...
Any fix?
EDIT: SOLVED: (loading jQuery 3.5.1 from CDN)
I guess something is missing on admin-config.php
I also addes this on custom-post-type.php:
and on line 78:
But still need the wp admin side... thanks
Hi Denys, the perlmalink is already set / hardcoded to 'services' and you can change it here:
I did not create an extra option for it
Thank you.
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If you want to add an option go to /include/admin-config.php and add to line 412
// Custom portfolio slug
'default' => '',
'sanitize_callback' => 'bauman_sanitize_slug_field',
'transport' => 'postMessage',
'label' => esc_html__( 'Custom Slug For Services', 'bauman' ),
'description' => esc_html__('If you want your portfolio post type to have a custom slug in the url, please enter it here. You will still have to refresh your permalinks after saving this! This is done by going to Settings > Permalinks and clicking save.', 'bauman'),
'section' => 'portfolio_settings',
'type' => 'text',
and in the file make sure the variables have a different name for example
$bauman_custom_services_slug_option = bauman_get_theme_options( 'clapat_bauman_services_custom_slug' );
'menu_name' => __( 'Services', 'clapat_bauman_plugin_text_domain' ),
'rewrite' => array('slug' => $bauman_custom_services_slug_option, 'with_front' => false),
Thank you.
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Hi, looking to view portfolio grid (or carousel) with the new "service" cpt...
Tomorrow gonna make the payment!
Sounds good!
Thank you.
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Hello, I sent you the budget required. Thanks.
Could you reply to previous ticket please?
Hi, thanks. Waiting for a reply.Greetings.
Hello Denys,
1. yes, you need to set the page template to services carousel which I created with the latest version of the theme I have sent
2. Bauman only has-animation
3. have a look at ajaxSuccess event handler as you can see in the child theme we provide in main archive (I attach it here for your convenience, childscript.js file)
4. that is custom work, you need to call do_shortcode() function in /sections/menu_section.php
See $bauman_menu_additionaL_text
Thank you.
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