1. If you provide wp admin access (wp admin url, wp admin username and password) I can install a shared license of WPBakery. This is why we are able to offer it for free. However, you don't have access to automatic updates.
You will either have to buy a full license or contact us to update it. The content of our live demo site has been built with Gutenberg though
2. plz add
#project-nav {
display: none;
.next-project-image {
display: none;
#main-page-content.project-page {
margin-bottom: 0 !important;
in customizer -> additional CSS
3. not sure what you mean, the footer can have the copyright text and the social links icons both which can be set in customizer -> footer settings
- I don't know how to install the WP Bakery Page Builder. Can you explain me?
- Also I want to eliminate the automatic footer "Next project". Attached a photo with detail.
- Also I don't know how to build a Footer for the Portfolio Items.
Thanks for the time dedicated to me!
Hello Albert,
1. If you provide wp admin access (wp admin url, wp admin username and password) I can install a shared license of WPBakery. This is why we are able to offer it for free. However, you don't have access to automatic updates.
You will either have to buy a full license or contact us to update it. The content of our live demo site has been built with Gutenberg though
2. plz add
#project-nav {
display: none;
.next-project-image {
display: none;
#main-page-content.project-page {
margin-bottom: 0 !important;
in customizer -> additional CSS
3. not sure what you mean, the footer can have the copyright text and the social links icons both which can be set in customizer -> footer settings
Thank you.
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