I want to use the creative portfolio page to navigate through a collection of embedded Vimeo videos. I need to link individual portfolio items in the Creative portfolio to open an embedded Vimeo video directly inside a lightbox, rather than link to a portfolio single page. Could you please point me in the right direction. Thanx
Unfortunately your answer doesn't get me much further. In following this approach I have the issue of passing the Video ID parameter to the Vimeo URL. As this is not stored anywhere in specific on the portfolio page other than as content in an embedded video link. I also was not able to create custom variables inside the portfolio page so I have no way of passing over the video-id parameter. Is this something you could implement for me? What would be the approximate cost for such customization work?
You could post the video ID parameter in the video webm or mp4 urls fields and then if the portfolio item is a video portfolio item you read the field and use it for the vimeo lightbox link
The popup is being invoked but the Vimeo URL is not being passed along, I suspect that simply replacing $item_url with$hervin_video_mp4_url inside php echo esc_url() is not the proper way of passing along the player parameters.
I am getting the console error: HTTP “Content-Type” of “text/html” is not supported. Load of media resource https://vimeo.com/140160263 failed.
Hi there,
I want to use the creative portfolio page to navigate through a collection of embedded Vimeo videos. I need to link individual portfolio items in the Creative portfolio to open an embedded Vimeo video directly inside a lightbox, rather than link to a portfolio single page. Could you please point me in the right direction. Thanx
Hello Chris
You can but you need to modify a file /sections/portfolio_section_item.php
you need to modify the <a> tag that opens the item o the individual portfolio page, so this line:
<a class="item-wrap ajax-link-project" data-type="page-transition" href="<?php echo esc_url( $item_url ); ?>"><?php if( hervin_get_theme_options('clapat_hervin_enable_ajax') ){ ?></a><?php } ?>
so that when it's about a video item it will open a vimeo lightbox
Hope it clarifies
Thank you.
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Thank you for the reply,
Unfortunately your answer doesn't get me much further. In following this approach I have the issue of passing the Video ID parameter to the Vimeo URL. As this is not stored anywhere in specific on the portfolio page other than as content in an embedded video link. I also was not able to create custom variables inside the portfolio page so I have no way of passing over the video-id parameter. Is this something you could implement for me? What would be the approximate cost for such customization work?
You could post the video ID parameter in the video webm or mp4 urls fields and then if the portfolio item is a video portfolio item you read the field and use it for the vimeo lightbox link
Thank you.
Clapat Support
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Hi there, thanks for your tips.
1) added a function VimeoLightbox() to the scripts.js to open a majestic-popup with an embedded vimeo video link
function VimeoLightbox() { $('.popup-youtube, .popup-vimeo, .popup-gmaps').magnificPopup({ disableOn: 700, type: 'iframe', mainClass: 'mfp-fade', removalDelay: 160, preloader: false, fixedContentPos: false });
2) added the vimeo link http://Vimeo.com/140160263 to portfolio item
3) modified portfolio_section_item.php
<a class="item-wrap popup-vimeo ajax-link-project" data-type="page-transition" href="<?php echo esc_url( $hervin_video_mp4_url ); ?>"><!--?php if( hervin_get_theme_options('clapat_hervin_enable_ajax') ){ ?--></a><!--?php } ?--> </a>
The popup is being invoked but the Vimeo URL is not being passed along, I suspect that simply replacing $item_url with $hervin_video_mp4_url inside php echo esc_url() is not the proper way of passing along the player parameters.
I am getting the console error: HTTP “Content-Type” of “text/html” is not supported. Load of media resource https://vimeo.com/140160263 failed.
can you help, please.
Hi Chris,
two things:
1. try removing ajax-link-project class from the portfolio item
2. can you send us the url of the page so we can inspect it? (the url of the page containing the light box popup you've implemented)
Thank you.
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Hi there,
thanx for the quick reply. I removed the ajax-link-project class but still the same, popup loads empty.
The URL : https://dev-ff-fresh.pantheonsite.io/creative-portfolio/
Hi Chris
it looks like you don't have anything in the href attribute
Thank you.
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Hi there,
I don't get it. This is the code I am using inside the portfolio_section_item.php file:
<div class="item-content">
<a class="item-wrap popup-vimeo" data-type="page-transition" href="<?php echo esc_url( $hervin_video_mp4_url ); ?>"><?php if( hervin_get_theme_options('clapat_hervin_enable_ajax') ){ ?></a><?php } ?>
maybe because $hervin_video_mp4_url is declared further down at line 34 that href is empty? How do I restructure the statement to make it work?
$hervin_video_mp4_url = hervin_get_post_meta( HERVIN_THEME_OPTIONS, get_the_ID(), 'hervin-opt-portfolio-video-mp4' );
see attached php file (.txt)
I'm not sure what's happening there can you provide wp admin access in a private comment?
Thank you.
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